
“Bubbles: One Conscious Breath” by Tantra-zawadi (Poets Wear Prada), illustrated by Edwin Boone, cover art by Shanna T. Melton.

“Tantra-zawadi remains one of the modern lyrical masters and keepers of a timeless poetic tradition. Whether live, recorded or in print, her curation of words has definitely earned her a place in the contemporary canon.”—Mwalim DaPhunkeProfessor, Director of Black Studies, University of Massachusetts;

“Tantra-zawadi is magical just like the African mermaid. Her flow is like water and her words become the boat that you sail in. In this world of form and no substance, her words have meaning and a sensuality that we don’t find often. Hearing and reading her poetry is like taking a journey to the places we dream of.”—Abiodun Oyewole, Founding member of The Last Poets

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