African Mermaid TM (NY), presents Black Power Baby Blues, one-woman multimedia spoken-word presentation written and performed by Tantra-zawadi.
The event focuses on Poetry, the Blues, Live Music, Visual Art, Familial Relevance, and Oppression in America. Black Power Baby Blues is sponsored in part by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by the Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC) and hosted by OpenRoad Poetry.
Black Power Baby Blues premieres on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at 6:00 PM (Eastern Time) on ZOOM; the Zoom link will be provided to all audiences who have reserved tickets. The performance has a runtime of 45-minutes, no intermission, and a 15-minute Q&A with Tantra-zawadi.
Tickets for Black Power Baby Blues are $5 and can be purchased at
Starring: Tantra-zawadi
Music: Edde Yohan Baba Bey and Tony Vacca
Paintings: Shanna T. Melton
Hosted by: OpenRoad Poetry
#blackpowerbabyblues #tonyvacca #eddeyohanbababey #shannatmelton #openroadpoetry #tantrazawadi #blues #music #poetry #performanceart #bacgrantee #brooklynartscouncil
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