Tantra-zawadi (Photo credit Arnold Browne)

POETS WEAR PRADA is participating in the New York City Poetry Festival on Sunday, July 25th on Governor’s Island! Join us on The Algonquin Stage from 12:00 noon to 12:30PM EDT. Our readers are: Austin Alexis, Robert Gibbons, Prince McNally and Tantra-zawadi! The festival is FREE and open to the public. Ferry tickets from Brooklyn and Manhattan can be purchased at https://www.govisland.com/plan-your-visit/ferry $3 for adults, but FREE for 65+. For more info about this event, please visit https://www.newyorkcitypoetryfestival.com/ or https://facebook.com/events/s/the-10th-annual-new-york-city-/250429573084486/.

Hope to see you there.

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