POETS WEAR PRADA is participating in the New York City Poetry Festival on Sunday, July 25th on Governor’s Island! Join us on The Algonquin Stage from 12:00 noon to 12:30PM EDT. Our readers are: Austin Alexis, Robert Gibbons, Prince McNally and Tantra-zawadi! The festival is FREE and open to the public. Ferry tickets from Brooklyn and Manhattan can be purchased at https://www.govisland.com/plan-your-visit/ferry $3 for adults, but FREE for 65+. For more info about this event, please visit https://www.newyorkcitypoetryfestival.com/ or https://facebook.com/events/s/the-10th-annual-new-york-city-/250429573084486/.
Hope to see you there.
#nycpoetryfestival #poetswearprada #austinalexis #robertgibbons #princemcnally #tantrazawadi #authors #poetry #poets #festival #poetryfestival #governorsisland #newyorkcity #artists #poetryreading #performanceart