Shea Presents: From Global to Local
Saturday, September 16, 7:30 pm until 9:00 pm
A special partnership with the SENEGAL America Project thanks to support of the Mass Cultural Council ft. Tony Vacca, Abdou Sarr, and Tantra-zawadi. Concert and ticket information:
When the music, the dance and the poetry bring us all together, the message is always that “we are all connected, that our fates are ultimately inseparable, and the help we give becomes the help we get.”
World Music… Spoken Word… Global Citizenship… limitless possibilities
The SENEGAL-AMERICA PROJECT is an expandable, up-close-and-personal model for practicing the most essential and obvious principle of human interactions, which is that we are all connected. The primary goal of the project is to bring people together in meaningful collaborations that create transformational responses to what we share of common issues and common ground.
Tony Vacca, Tantra-zawadi, Abdou Sarr, Mamadou Ndiaye and Derrik Jordan…five performers sharing their worlds of experience through The Senegal-America Project and beyond. It’s a bold mix of innovative music, dance and spoken words in celebration of the twenty-year connection of Senegal with The Pioneer Valley.
To learn more about the Senegal-America Project, please visit:
Thank you!
#senegalamericaproject #sheatheater #worldmusic #spokenword #westafricandance #tonyvacca #derrikjordan #abdousarr #tantrazawadi #poetry